Call of the Storm

Original watercolour, ink and gouache painting on 425gsm watercolour paper. 35cm x 26cm

On my walks I watch the trees - constant yet ever-changing through the seasons. I especially like the shapes they make in winter – twisting branches, never two the same. I’ve taken endless photos on winter walks, and I play with cutting the resulting images at various points and mirroring them to see what patterns result. I photographed this tree and these crows on a windy, stormy day, when the birds were playing in the wind, seeming to answer some call that I couldn’t quite hear.

To create this piece, I hand cut stencils based on these photos to create the white shapes, and used ink and watercolour to capture the feeling of that day.

This is one of my Order and Chaos series, silhouette-based paintings inspired by the nature and wildlife I see and photograph on my walks around Oxford.


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